For people looking to promote a product, service or site on the internet, one of the simplest and least expensive ways to market is through article marketing. As the name suggests, article marketing involves writing an article that promotes whatever it is that you are trying to sell or generate an interest. Unlike other marketing methods, articles require little more outside of the writing and research time.
The popular term "bum marketing" has recently surfaced as synonymous for article marketing. Given the low cash outlay associated with article marketing, the marketer essentially "bums" free advertising generating product exposure through the articles. In other words, the marketer writes an article and through readership stirs interest in whatever the writer has written about. So how can a marketer reach such a wide audience on the internet with as little as one article?
That all depends on the amount of time available to the marketer. In theory, there are only two options with article marketing. The first would leave the marketer to publish the article on various internet sites (like this one), on blogs, through free advertising and so on. The second (and much simpler) option is to use an article-posting program like the one promoted in the resource box below. Not only do such programs save you time by doing all of the posting for you, but it will submit your article to hundreds of different sites.
Unfortunately, the largest problem with multiple submissions is that the campaign can backfire on you. Those who have labored through article marketing over the years realize that the key to a successful campaign is achieving a high natural search ranking by the big search engines (this is the where the free advertising comes into play). But with all of the big engines essentially monitoring the content on the internet, if they see that there are multiple submissions of the exact same article on, say a hundred or so sites, they will likely treat the article as the internet equivalent of SPAM and ignore it altogether.
Almost all of the leading submitter programs work around this known fact by changing words or shuffling paragraphs. The biggest problem with using a thesaurus like approach is that the meaning can be lost -- the same holds true with switching up paragraphs because some programs will end up publishing your closing remarks in the second or, worse yet, first paragraph. The best programs, though, like the one listed below will require several rewrites (it's easier to rework the article than to start a brand-new one). What it does with the rewrites is create a combination of articles, each with the same meaning and each with the same logical message. A six-paragraph article re-written three times will therefore product 729 unique articles, thereby slipping under the radar and avoiding detection as "duplicated content" by the search engines.
If you are looking to increase your exposure through article marketing, look into an article submitter program. Keep in mind that some will cost as much as $200 or more per month, but that the price does not have a linear relationship with quality. The program quoted here runs a lot less on a monthly basis and consistently reaches more than 1,000 directories while maintaining the integrity of the article. - 16651
The popular term "bum marketing" has recently surfaced as synonymous for article marketing. Given the low cash outlay associated with article marketing, the marketer essentially "bums" free advertising generating product exposure through the articles. In other words, the marketer writes an article and through readership stirs interest in whatever the writer has written about. So how can a marketer reach such a wide audience on the internet with as little as one article?
That all depends on the amount of time available to the marketer. In theory, there are only two options with article marketing. The first would leave the marketer to publish the article on various internet sites (like this one), on blogs, through free advertising and so on. The second (and much simpler) option is to use an article-posting program like the one promoted in the resource box below. Not only do such programs save you time by doing all of the posting for you, but it will submit your article to hundreds of different sites.
Unfortunately, the largest problem with multiple submissions is that the campaign can backfire on you. Those who have labored through article marketing over the years realize that the key to a successful campaign is achieving a high natural search ranking by the big search engines (this is the where the free advertising comes into play). But with all of the big engines essentially monitoring the content on the internet, if they see that there are multiple submissions of the exact same article on, say a hundred or so sites, they will likely treat the article as the internet equivalent of SPAM and ignore it altogether.
Almost all of the leading submitter programs work around this known fact by changing words or shuffling paragraphs. The biggest problem with using a thesaurus like approach is that the meaning can be lost -- the same holds true with switching up paragraphs because some programs will end up publishing your closing remarks in the second or, worse yet, first paragraph. The best programs, though, like the one listed below will require several rewrites (it's easier to rework the article than to start a brand-new one). What it does with the rewrites is create a combination of articles, each with the same meaning and each with the same logical message. A six-paragraph article re-written three times will therefore product 729 unique articles, thereby slipping under the radar and avoiding detection as "duplicated content" by the search engines.
If you are looking to increase your exposure through article marketing, look into an article submitter program. Keep in mind that some will cost as much as $200 or more per month, but that the price does not have a linear relationship with quality. The program quoted here runs a lot less on a monthly basis and consistently reaches more than 1,000 directories while maintaining the integrity of the article. - 16651