Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guaranteeing advertising Results

By Dennis Gartland II

You can Guarantee your advertising results trough science.

The first viable return on investment from your advertising is an inquiry for your product or service. It may be an email, a phone call or a visit to a store.

Though it is just an inquiry, you are starting to see a return on your investment. This is the first proof your advertising is working.

But, in either case, it is just an Inquiry for the goods, of one sort or another. It is the first practical evidence that the money spent is earning something tangible in return.

When she talks to a retailer it there are 2 to 3 times as many chances of substitution. The salesperson may try to sell the customer a higher commission item or the one that is in stock. Whereas if the customer orders online or by phone there is less of a chance of substitution.

The ad which pulls consumers into retail outlets must be as full of influence as profitable mail order advertising. The consumer must be fortified against substitution.

Therefore, the Advertisement which sends Consumers to Retailers, should be as full of Conviction as the successful Mail-Order Advertisement, in order to fortify that Consumer against substitution, Don?t keep it, and Here's-something-better.

Because, if the Advertisement fails to thus fortify the Consumer with "Reason-Why" and conviction, it may simply send him to the Retail Store to be switched on to a competing line of goods with which the Retailer is heavily stocked, or which his Clerks favor the sale of in preference to ours. In that case the Advertising we pay for would sell goods for our non-advertising competitors. Half the money spent to "Keep-the-Name-before-the-People" results to day in this substitution of non-advertised articles for the articles advertised through General Publicity or branding.

The advertisement must therefore give him better Reason why he should buy our goods than he is likely to hear from the retail Salesman for the competing goods that Salesman may want to substitute. And, it must give him these reason why in such lucid thought-form that he can understand without effort, so impressively that he will believe our reasoning Claims. It must accomplish this in spite of his natural distrust of all Advertisement statements, Because the competing goods look just as fine when shown and recommended by the Substituting Salesman. The Curiosity Inquiry having no firm foundation of "Reason-Why" under it cannot combat the personal influence of the Salesman.

Because, through General Publicity, his attention had only been "attracted," not compelled and enduringly impressed with a logical understanding of these qualities. But, when once convinced in advance of purchase, through "Reason-Why" Salesmanship-in- Type, that the qualities claimed for the article do exist in them, he starts using that article with a mental acceptance of these qualities.

The consumer will become a regular buyer of the product because he first read or heard about it in a reason why advertisement. Repeat customers are much more profitable than new ones.

Advertisers who uses mere "General Publicity" or branding when they might have all that and, in addition, a positive Selling force combined with it is losing 50 percent to 80 per cent of the results they might have had from the same identical media space. Selling tests made on various kinds of Copy and Mediums have proved this for Reason Why, which are the Heart and Soul and Essence of all good Advertising.

The difference in Results from Space in which this direct selling force of "Reason-Why" has been used, and in results from similar space filled with "General Publicity," is often more than 60 per cent. Conclusive tests on Copy have clearly proved this, and preceding article cites a vivid example of it from actual experience - 16651

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