I have made a sampling of the more popular movies put up on the big screen in 2008. These are some of the motion pictures I found entertaining in this years crop. I hope you find a couple of movies that are worth watching.
JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH: On a quest to find his brother, science professor Trevor Anderson travels to Iceland, and that leads him to the center of the earth. This is a new version of the original 1959 movie, which was based on the science fiction book by celebrated writer Jules Verne. Directed by Eric Brevig, and starring Brendan Fraser.
STEP BROTHERS: When two child-like older men, who each live with their single parents, are now going to share a room because their parents have wed, big problems loom. With Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly as the key players, and the table is set for a very fun film. This seems like a sure thing for a good laugh in 2008.
FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL: After suffering a devastating break up with Sarah, a TV sitcom actress Peter (Jason Segal), decides to take a vacation to the Hawaiian Islands to get over his misery. Of course, upon checking into the resort, the first thing he sees is the woman who just left him and her new lover, a rock star super stud. This movie has all the ingredients of a thoughtful romantic comedy.
TROPIC THUNDER: With a collection of acting greats we find ourselves watching a spoof on many of the most popular war movies. To get better results from his spoiled actors to create a quality war film, the desperate director into the middle of nowhere, leaving them to fend for themselves. The goal is to frighten them so they will produce a work of genius. It will be recorded on hidden cameras. When the director dies unexpectedly by stepping on a real land mine, the crew is left on its own, and they think they?re acting, but the bullets flying are actually real. This is a great cast with incredible make up for Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise.
BOLT: Bolt: This movie is a film for the whole family. Bolt is a dog actor, who in his role on television, is a super hero dog. The thing about Bolt is that he is convinced he has these powers. After he is unexpectedly put into a real life situation, he realizes that he is only a normal dog. On a journey to get back home, he is aided by Mittens, the cat, and Rhino, the hamster.
MADAGASCAR: ESCAPE 2 AFRICA: As I'm sure you know, this is the next edition to the animated smash hit Madagascar. Our four animal stars are trying to get back to the Central Park Zoo, which is home for them all. With things going wrong again, with the Penguins leading them astray, they are off to Africa instead.
THE CHRONICALS OF NARNIA, PRINCE CASPIAN: It's only about one down the road in "real" time, when Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are mysteriously pulled back into Narnia. Running for his life, Prince Caspian has blown the magic horn, praying that he will be saved. In Narnia, 1,300 years have passed since they were Kings and Queens, but they now return to rescue Narnia from an evil fate. With the aid of the brave warriors of Narnia, they conquer their foes and free Narnia.
IRON MAN: Playboy, engineer genius, Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.) is kidnapped by Afghan rebels. They try to force him to build weapons for the insurgent group. He was wounded when his convoy was attacked, and has shrapnel stuck in his chest. To survive his injuries, and break away from his enemies, he creates a suit made of armor, which protects and strengthens him. Iron Man is born.
ROLE MODELS: Danny (Paul Rudd) and Wheeler (William Scott), who promote an energy drink, are going to see some hard jail time because they binged, and trashed the company truck. The option to get out of being locked up is to perform 150 hours of community service. The problem is they will need to mentor troubled kids in a community service program. The pieces are all in place for this to be very funny.
Many people will buy films, so they can see them in the comfort of their living rooms. An increasingly popular way to get movies is by downloading them directly from online sources. The internet has many websites that offer downloading of virtually any movie ever made. - 16651
JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH: On a quest to find his brother, science professor Trevor Anderson travels to Iceland, and that leads him to the center of the earth. This is a new version of the original 1959 movie, which was based on the science fiction book by celebrated writer Jules Verne. Directed by Eric Brevig, and starring Brendan Fraser.
STEP BROTHERS: When two child-like older men, who each live with their single parents, are now going to share a room because their parents have wed, big problems loom. With Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly as the key players, and the table is set for a very fun film. This seems like a sure thing for a good laugh in 2008.
FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL: After suffering a devastating break up with Sarah, a TV sitcom actress Peter (Jason Segal), decides to take a vacation to the Hawaiian Islands to get over his misery. Of course, upon checking into the resort, the first thing he sees is the woman who just left him and her new lover, a rock star super stud. This movie has all the ingredients of a thoughtful romantic comedy.
TROPIC THUNDER: With a collection of acting greats we find ourselves watching a spoof on many of the most popular war movies. To get better results from his spoiled actors to create a quality war film, the desperate director into the middle of nowhere, leaving them to fend for themselves. The goal is to frighten them so they will produce a work of genius. It will be recorded on hidden cameras. When the director dies unexpectedly by stepping on a real land mine, the crew is left on its own, and they think they?re acting, but the bullets flying are actually real. This is a great cast with incredible make up for Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise.
BOLT: Bolt: This movie is a film for the whole family. Bolt is a dog actor, who in his role on television, is a super hero dog. The thing about Bolt is that he is convinced he has these powers. After he is unexpectedly put into a real life situation, he realizes that he is only a normal dog. On a journey to get back home, he is aided by Mittens, the cat, and Rhino, the hamster.
MADAGASCAR: ESCAPE 2 AFRICA: As I'm sure you know, this is the next edition to the animated smash hit Madagascar. Our four animal stars are trying to get back to the Central Park Zoo, which is home for them all. With things going wrong again, with the Penguins leading them astray, they are off to Africa instead.
THE CHRONICALS OF NARNIA, PRINCE CASPIAN: It's only about one down the road in "real" time, when Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are mysteriously pulled back into Narnia. Running for his life, Prince Caspian has blown the magic horn, praying that he will be saved. In Narnia, 1,300 years have passed since they were Kings and Queens, but they now return to rescue Narnia from an evil fate. With the aid of the brave warriors of Narnia, they conquer their foes and free Narnia.
IRON MAN: Playboy, engineer genius, Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.) is kidnapped by Afghan rebels. They try to force him to build weapons for the insurgent group. He was wounded when his convoy was attacked, and has shrapnel stuck in his chest. To survive his injuries, and break away from his enemies, he creates a suit made of armor, which protects and strengthens him. Iron Man is born.
ROLE MODELS: Danny (Paul Rudd) and Wheeler (William Scott), who promote an energy drink, are going to see some hard jail time because they binged, and trashed the company truck. The option to get out of being locked up is to perform 150 hours of community service. The problem is they will need to mentor troubled kids in a community service program. The pieces are all in place for this to be very funny.
Many people will buy films, so they can see them in the comfort of their living rooms. An increasingly popular way to get movies is by downloading them directly from online sources. The internet has many websites that offer downloading of virtually any movie ever made. - 16651
About the Author:
Nominated for zero academy awards, american pie is a lewd, crude teenage comedy that's probably the funniest movie of 1999. Bookworm Call labs and rental houses and get rate sheets. He does present a powerful masculine deep voice and is voracious with his killing spree.