I have made a small selection of movie hits for 2008. These are some of the films I enjoyed watching this year. Hopefully you will see a picture or two that you will enjoy.
THE DARK KNIGHT: In this film Batman, and law enforcement officials, have been taking down the criminal elements of the city. This has effectively reduced crime, that is until the Joker shows up, and things get a lot worse. Batman has his work cut out him now, as the Joker is dispensing an overwhelming assault on Gotham City.
STEP BROTHERS: Two forty year old child adults, who each live with their single parents, find themselves having to live in the same bedroom because their parents marry, we see that they are bound to have problems. Having the combination of Reilly and Ferrell as the key players, and you have the ingredients for lots of laughs. This seems like a best bet for a good laugh in 2008.
HAMLET 2: Unsuccessful actor Dana Marshz has moved on to teaching the high school after classes to students who just don't care. When they lose a building at the campus, the school administration feels that the after curriculum will get the axe. Wanting to fight, he sets out to keep the school from dropping his classes by producing Hamlet 2, a new version of the classic, which he creates.
WANTED: A young, bored, office worker named Wesley discovers that his father, who he never really knew, is a contract killer. His father has been murdered, now Wesley is asked to join into the organization that his father was a part of. He is transformed from a nobody office worker into the killing expert that he was meant to be. From that point on, this movie gets complicated, and many twist and turns follow. Enjoy this roller coaster ride.
BOLT: Bolt is a fun animation. The star is dog actor Bolt, who in his role on television, is a super hero dog. His problem is that he is convinced he has superpowers. After he is unexpectedly finds himself in a real world situation, he discovers that he is only a normal dog. On a journey to get back home, he finds help, in the form of Mittens, the cat, and Rhino, the hamster.
Jumper: During a near death experience, David Rice (Hayden Christensen) learns an amazing thing. He has the ability to teleport himself to any place he wants to go, at any time. Eventually, he discovers that he is not the only one that has this capability. After he becomes used to jumping around the world, he is exposed to hunters that think jumpers are a threat, and need to be eliminated. Now he is in a fight for survival, as the hunters believe he should die.
GET SMART: Maxwell Smart (agent 86) makes a return to the big screen, "and loving it". KAOS vs CONTROL, gadgets galore, and the cone of silence. It's a trip down memory lane to look back at the 1960's spy spoof series.
PINEAPPLE EXPRESS: Underachieving pothead Dale has just witnessed a crooked cop, and a big time dealer, commit a murder. He was spotted witnessing the crime. Knowing they've seen him, he unwittingly throws down his joint, a unique version called pineapple express, and runs. The pot is so unique, that the bad guys can trace it. The chase is on, the bad guys are hunting, and Dale and dealer Saul are on the run.
ROLE MODELS: Danny and Wheeler, who sell energy drinks, might be seeing some hard jail time after trashing the company truck. The way they can avoid being locked up is by doing community service. Their task will be to become mentors in a community service program. Let the fun begin.
Many people will buy these movies, so they can see them in the comfort of their living rooms. A more recent method for getting films is by using down loading technologies from the internet. There are websites that with a membership, you can download virtually any movie ever made. - 16651
THE DARK KNIGHT: In this film Batman, and law enforcement officials, have been taking down the criminal elements of the city. This has effectively reduced crime, that is until the Joker shows up, and things get a lot worse. Batman has his work cut out him now, as the Joker is dispensing an overwhelming assault on Gotham City.
STEP BROTHERS: Two forty year old child adults, who each live with their single parents, find themselves having to live in the same bedroom because their parents marry, we see that they are bound to have problems. Having the combination of Reilly and Ferrell as the key players, and you have the ingredients for lots of laughs. This seems like a best bet for a good laugh in 2008.
HAMLET 2: Unsuccessful actor Dana Marshz has moved on to teaching the high school after classes to students who just don't care. When they lose a building at the campus, the school administration feels that the after curriculum will get the axe. Wanting to fight, he sets out to keep the school from dropping his classes by producing Hamlet 2, a new version of the classic, which he creates.
WANTED: A young, bored, office worker named Wesley discovers that his father, who he never really knew, is a contract killer. His father has been murdered, now Wesley is asked to join into the organization that his father was a part of. He is transformed from a nobody office worker into the killing expert that he was meant to be. From that point on, this movie gets complicated, and many twist and turns follow. Enjoy this roller coaster ride.
BOLT: Bolt is a fun animation. The star is dog actor Bolt, who in his role on television, is a super hero dog. His problem is that he is convinced he has superpowers. After he is unexpectedly finds himself in a real world situation, he discovers that he is only a normal dog. On a journey to get back home, he finds help, in the form of Mittens, the cat, and Rhino, the hamster.
Jumper: During a near death experience, David Rice (Hayden Christensen) learns an amazing thing. He has the ability to teleport himself to any place he wants to go, at any time. Eventually, he discovers that he is not the only one that has this capability. After he becomes used to jumping around the world, he is exposed to hunters that think jumpers are a threat, and need to be eliminated. Now he is in a fight for survival, as the hunters believe he should die.
GET SMART: Maxwell Smart (agent 86) makes a return to the big screen, "and loving it". KAOS vs CONTROL, gadgets galore, and the cone of silence. It's a trip down memory lane to look back at the 1960's spy spoof series.
PINEAPPLE EXPRESS: Underachieving pothead Dale has just witnessed a crooked cop, and a big time dealer, commit a murder. He was spotted witnessing the crime. Knowing they've seen him, he unwittingly throws down his joint, a unique version called pineapple express, and runs. The pot is so unique, that the bad guys can trace it. The chase is on, the bad guys are hunting, and Dale and dealer Saul are on the run.
ROLE MODELS: Danny and Wheeler, who sell energy drinks, might be seeing some hard jail time after trashing the company truck. The way they can avoid being locked up is by doing community service. Their task will be to become mentors in a community service program. Let the fun begin.
Many people will buy these movies, so they can see them in the comfort of their living rooms. A more recent method for getting films is by using down loading technologies from the internet. There are websites that with a membership, you can download virtually any movie ever made. - 16651
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Criminals have been portrayed as exciting, daring and cunning tantamount to hero status. Download Any Movies Keep them in a dust-free environment or storage case. Keep your posts clean, respectful, and productive no matter what direction the conversation or message thread takes.